Sales Throwdown

How Does Your Grit Help You in Sales?

Episode Summary

πŸ”Ά Don’t forget to hit subscribe! πŸ”Ά We now know some of what grit looks like to different people. (Thank you to everybody that reached out to share their views on grit!) So how does your version of grit help you in sales? And does it sometimes become stubbornness? To find out, we're digging a little deeper into grit in this episode. We know that sometimes our strengths can become overpowering if we let them. They can blind us to other people's viewpoints or challenges. Or they are so strong that they make it more difficult to acknowledge or overcome our weaknesses. Life is about balance. And even something as positive as grit requires balance. Whether it's having more patience, learning when to be quiet, letting somebody else take over or help you. Things like that. Knowing your strengths, finding and accessing your grit, and overcoming your challenges requires you to know yourself, inside and out. The first step to that is taking a personality assessment like DISC. Email for more info. βœ… Sign up for our emails: βœ… Connect with us on Facebook: βœ… Check us out on Instagram: βœ… And keep up with us on Twitter:

Episode Transcription

Let's get ready to Throwdown!

What's up, everybody? Welcome to the show. Sales Throwdown. We are continuing to talk about grit, we were going to change the topic. And then we talked about three or four points, and decided that we had enough to go for a whole other episode. So today we're talking about the flip side of grit. And when you're just being stubborn, right, because that's kind of what it evolves to, and stubbornness and sales role shows up in different ways, right? It might be that you jump ship too early, or you don't go find a coach or mentor someone to work with. And we were talking about this topic, and Clint was talking about someone that he had to let go, because he was motivated, but he wasn't producing. So let's pick it up right there.

Clint. Yeah, I mean, you know, so we're talking about the motivation side of when you when you can, you can come to work every day and be almost the internal cheerleader on your team and be happy go lucky and motivated. You bring that good atmosphere, but you know, at the end of the day, results are the proof in the pudding that you need in sales, and sometimes you carry a guy on little too long or he carries himself on. I mean, in this instance, this guy, you know, 14, 15 years in the, in the exact same position, and I don't think anybody ever had the intestinal fortitude to say, Hey guy, you are, you're not where you need to be in 14 years. And, and, you know, unfortunately for me when I came into that role, it just kind of fell in my lap. You know, I, I drug it on for farther than I should have. But, you know, the point of it is, is that we all maybe even ourselves have a little bit of that problem, right? We think we're motivated, we get up every day, we're excited to do it, and we do it maybe the wrong way. And how many times do you do that before you realize, okay, this isn't working, I need help. Or I need to take some lessons. You know, personally help to me doesn't mean go grab a life coach and, you know, sales coach, to me, it means I got to do some studying read some books, look online, do whatever, find whatever resource I can to get out of that rut. So, you know, I don't know, I think there's a there's a, we have to set a scale to measure ourselves on at some point.

And so for me when when I hear that my mind leaps automatically to KPIs, right, the leading indicator, right, so that way, you know if you're on track or not, because there's going to be times where maybe your selling cycle is like, so long, right? Like, like, I know, people who will hire a sales rep, and they don't expect them to like even make any money for like, nine or 10 months, like it's built into the budgets. And so if, you know, how do you manage that other than with KPIs? Does anybody have like another option?

Yes. So for example, you know, I look back on financial before I made the decision with this guy, I look back on the financials for 10 years as far as I could go back. And I noticed that every year he sold something right. So it was like, right at the time when I think people were like, okay, we've had enough right at the end of that, that period. He would sell something right. And then it was kind of start the clock. And without the, the agreement, and that's something that KPI helps you do is it creates an agreement, not just a task, but it also, you know, lets you, you know, have an internal agreement between two people that says, hey, you need to be here every three months or every week, you have to be here every year you have to be here. And that's something I don't think anybody ever did. And yeah, so how you name it KPIs, tasks, whatever you want to you, like said you have to have a scale.

Nan, I'm curious. As someone who wants to get along with everybody, and you know, you love everybody. How do you how do you think you would handle that situation? You know, if you if you have someone who's really motivated, right, and they're putting in the work they're trying, but just not really gaining traction, can't really seem to figure it out. Like, how would you go about that? And also bear in mind that there was cutting anyway, because of all the COVID stuff, right, Clint. It wasn't just he was pulled in and now was the decision. You guys laid off a couple of people, right?

Yeah, I mean, but he was before we did the COVID cuts. Oh, okay. Okay, performance.

So I've told the story before of some sales, I was on a sales team. And they would call me for motivation. So I was having to on a regular basis, give them action plans. And one girl in particular just would just met her mindset, which is get her out of just some any kind of motivation. She would just sit in the car, and she called me and I would tell her, just get your butt out of the car like nothing. You've accomplished nothing if you don't do something. And I remember Just some people need that coaching, some people need a pers-, you know, a partner, someone to keep them on track. And then they can they can do really well. This girl in particular, she did fine. She never excelled really. And now I know where she's not in sales, she stepped aside, just like sometimes sales isn't for you if if you have to be coached and even the coaching over a, you know, a lot of time and you still fail, then you know, you just have to step aside she's very successful in leadership. She just, it was just really hard for her to step. You know, some people don't want to be in front of the camera. Some people don't want to go in front of people and put themselves out there. They don't want to be accountable to numbers and just the whole plethora of things that you have to be accountable for. Right. But if I the analogy that I always think of whenever Clint was talking, I was like, you know, some people need to be on that thing where everyone wants to go and be coached out in the field, you know, what does that call now, you know, the whole exercise thing where people need to be in a group. I'm the personality that I, I wouldn't do that I want to go when I want to go. And so I think that is one reason that my personality, not necessarily the S, but my personality, it does better because I can self motivate. And I think you can teach people to be self motivated, you know, if you can get them to get out of their way, or sometimes it's okay to need to be coached on a regular basis. You know, sometimes you're not the leader of the sales team. Sometimes you are, what is outside. Al used to show us a movie and talk about farmers. What was that?

Glengary Glen Ross. Right.

What, I'm sorry I didn't hear you.

Ask Clint if I can talk first.

Have you just been sitting around being salty this whole time?

Just go do this or do this. Come in, I'll go out.

There's this movie he used to show us for motivation, which was terrible, I thought.

Are you talking about coffee's for closers? Yes.

Yeah. That's Glengarry Glen Ross.

That's that's the best right there. Coffee is for closers, put that cup down. Get them to sign on the dotted line, which is dotted, right? Yeah, absolutely. So, what were you saying, Nan? Keep going.

So anyway, some people, and I used to watch that because he would every time he'd hire someone new.

No, no, no, I say we did that at the beginning of the year. We came back from the New Year's holiday, it was mandatory that we watched it. And that just started our year out.

And I just thought it was so dumb because I was sitting there. I think this about people, I think you're either a leader, and you can be a sales leader, or you're not a leader, but that doesn't mean you're not going to be successful. But if you have to continuously motivate people, there's a problem you have, you know, if you can motivate the problem, I misspoke. The problem is if you can't motivate them, motivate someone, so when I would tell her get out of the car, like get out of the car, walk in the office and do something because what you're doing is nothing and you're going to get not get anywhere. Well, she just couldn't get out of you know, she she just couldn't succeed in that. But there are people I'm 100% there are people that can be under leadership and thrive. I totally believe that.

Agree. Um, man, I have so many questions because I'm I, I think there's a difference between how what what you're really talking about is like the difference between like internal motivation, intrinsic, and the external motivation, extrinsic right. And I think that everybody can be intrinsically motivated whenever they figure out their their triggers and their whys and all of these things. But I am very much a coach person, right like I love like talking with you guys because because as far as me up, you know, and like and like the people around me, so I get it from there, but I am I'm the first one to admit that I don't have anything figured out and I'll go sit with someone who is killing it, you know, so where I don't I've never viewed that as a potential like, I guess weakness until just right now when we're talking about this.

What I'm not saying I don't think it's a weakness. I think, I do, see I think I think the I and the D probably see it, see it as a weakness.

Oh, gut driven. That's right. That's fair.

I think that and not so much people person. Like, I think a really good sales team can thrive better than an individual. I mean, I don't know if this is inappropriate to say, you know, I'm gonna say. Well, I think Al is a great, I don't...

Oh, uh oh.

Highly appropriate, obviously, keep going. Okay,

Okay, I just stepped in the hole that I'm falling in, but Al.

The tightrope has never been looser ladies and gentlemen.

I think, all I'm gonna say, I just think it's really important not to...

Oh, please do Don't Don't hold back. Now you've all got us on the edge of our seat. Give it up girl.

It's important to not discount helping others to do well as I think team is like a team sport I think in sales. And so if you're someone like Al who's maybe not the perfect person to go out and and you know do sales by himself, man, I think you've been successful. I just think you're a better... oh my gosh.

I'm crying over here watching her trying to navigate this minefield of a conversation. Oh my god. Nan has never talked more on one episode or on any episode together.

But Al, I feel like I made you mad.

Well, well, Nan, this is your last day at work, but go ahead. It's been a great run. We made some money.

Okay. No, I can I can fix it. I believe what we are doing Like the good cop, bad cop, like when we started working together, people would go, what they would say to me, what are you doing with him? Like, oh my gosh, how in the world? And people would say to you, how are you working with? I mean, we were just such opposites. Right. But together, going on a sales call, I think we do phenomenal. And so my point is, I think it's really important to let other people with different personalities motivate people that aren't, that need to be motivated.

Okay. But but that can't always occur. I mean, you know, it's kind of like being on a construction site when I was a kid. You know, I was I was weak, so I had to have some help moving. You know, the acoustical tile up to the fifth floor. I screwdriver. These old timers are like, you know, quit brother in lawing it, right, you know, carry your own weight. So,

I've never heard that before, brother in lawing it?

Yeah, exactly.

That's a construction term.

Is it really? Clint, Clint. Isn't it? Yeah, so when you can't carry the item your brother in law it, you get your buddy to help you carry it up. Well I was doing that all day long, till I figured out what brother in law it is. And on the third day, when I couldn't pick the damn thing up, I went home, I couldn't do the job. So I mean, sales can be like that.

If you would have let someone help you, that's all...

The organization wouldn't allow it to occur, right? That's all I'm simply saying there's certain sales roles that they won't let you take the good guy, bad guy cop with you. They're like, Wait a second, our territory is too big. Get on that fucking plane, go down the road, talk to Joe and sell him on the item. And nobody else is going with you. Right?

You can't have someone to call. To help you, to team up with it doesn't have to be it can be virtual.

True. True. I agree with what you're saying. I mean, and I think most people would that, you know, if you're struggling in a particular area, go get a mentor get some help. Clint said, read a book or, you know, do do the one on one with John and do the role playing. You know, it's this is like any other sport, you know it maybe it's a team, but then there's individual effort that has to be accounted for right? And is your effort good enough? Do you do it often enough? And do you get the results and put money in your pocket?

I mean, it's a combination of natural ability and learned skills. So come on, everybody has to learn something. It's not just everyone and everyone does have some type of natural ability. So find out what it is.

A little bit.

This is my favorite episode. Like this has been the best thing ever. Like Zoom firings are now a thing because of COVID and everything and so seeing what happened right here on our show, like right this is this is the best thing that could have happened all week. Sorry Nan.

Well, this is my cat, Ben.

Man. Okay, so Al, What what are you because y'all do have this kind of like outlier of a relationship to where you know you guys support each other in in the in the deals are big enough and relationships make make enough sense you can kind of work together on projects right?

But we have projects we work together on and then Nan has accounts if I walked into them they'd be like Who the hell are you? Get the hell out of our office right, you know.

The most successful ones.

I don't have to work them and I still get paid, I get

Shots fired everybody.

I'm being silly. Can we let Clint talk, he's looking a little befuddled over there. Go ahead Clint.

No Clint can't talk till I tell him he can.

I did. I was just thinking if I wanted to go to a divorce meeting with lawyers, I'd have paid for it instead of come to this zoom meeting.

Nothing like that man.

Couples therapy. Um, so you know how how do you.. How conscious are you over those decisions of like, cool, I'm going to I'm going to try to work these accounts, Nannette's going to try to work these. Like, like, how do you? Because essentially, we're talking about territory management at that point, right? How do you how do you figure out what what what makes us work together? What you kind of divide and conquer and who gets what?

You know, it's, it's, it's how many, you know, she knows people. And I know people, I mean, you know, it's connecting the dots, who's the better fit for that equation? Sometimes it comes down to who should go approach this individual? Well, okay. You know, they're more suited to probably listen to what you have to say, Do I need to be there? Do I not need to be there? I mean, we, we do a strategy meeting prior to like new accounts, or going to an existing account or going to somebody who we know but hasn't really bought much from us? Maybe, you know, we've had some close encounters. You know, how should we approach that? Do you want me to go in there and nano swing by sometimes I mean, we should It just depends. There's no rhyme or reason. But there's a discussion about it, and then a game plan. And then if it doesn't stick, then we go back and debrief, reassess and go at it again.

I would like to know, john, I feel like you, you kind of have that with Melissa. And I'm wondering if unless I'm wrong, correct me if I'm wrong. I apologize. That's not correct. But it seems like you're kind of she helps you out a lot. Right. And I just think that is, contributes to success. Now, Clint, I'm thinking is going to say, I don't need a single bloomin person in my life.

He's not gonna say, bloomin, that's for sure.

Well, I have a ques

Quite the opposite actually.

For Clint, though, Clint. I mean, you obviously run the sales team, right? Because you just talked about having to dismiss somebody whose numbers weren't quite right. When you have a team underneath you, right. How many Are you involved in their prospecting their sales process? their, you know, the the whole thing?

Yeah, you know, so I do still try to Manage Accounts myself as a salesperson just and I try to look at what I do as bonus to the bonus pool right I try to, you know, what I'm doing doesn't affect the the forecast of what we should do in a year. Right? Anything I do is a bonus. And and sometimes it's just you can tell stuffs going in even for me right there. There's clients that I talked to you that I can just tell that I'm not clicking with them. And I know that I have somebody on my team that personality wise, interest wise, you know, age wise, they just fit better. Why the hell would I take it upon myself to ruin a relationship that can be cultured with somebody else on my team, and with the team mentality that we're talking about? It should go the other way, right. You should always have Somebody in your team that that fits your customers, or if you can, right? The entrepreneurs out there, listen to this, you're the one man band. This is all on you for now, right until you build it up to where you can do what we're talking about. But this is where you have to, to understand the DISC and the personality side in the body, or the body language. So nowadays, because you have to become a chameleon, to be able to be a team within yourself. And that's, that's not easy to do. But, you know, every chance that I get to take multiple people on my team to a meeting, I absolutely jumped at the chance. One because you get this, you can sit back and observe it, especially if you're, you know, in the position. So we are where we understand a lot of things that maybe some typical salesperson doesn't yet. You get to sit back and observe a lot of things that you can't do if you're trying to run the meeting or talk, you know, And, and so on. So I typically enjoy bringing as many people as I can just to just to see personalities fly.

And so to kind of bring this back to to grit a little bit, I'm curious how did you get to that point to where you decided, Okay, I might need somebody else other than myself because I don't based upon I'm not a D but based on what I know about how you like to win and everything else that feels like something that wouldn't come naturally. So, failure. How do you, failure? Okay.

I mean, in all lessons, right, you learn the heart. Some people can learn from a book and then go do it, you know, correctly after they've read a book. I can't do that. I read the book, and then I still have to go fail the hard way. And then I realized the book was right. You know that, that's just, I mean, it's probably a lot of D's out there. So your failure pops into that a lot. The other thing that plays into that, for me is the advantage of bettering my odds, and if you like to win, then you are always trying to better your odds, you're always trying to up at 1% or two points, you know, to get just a little bit of a cutting edge. And and if you can do that with bringing one more person to the meeting, and go for it, what's, what's to lose? Now, you can go the other way, you know, if you bring the wrong person, so you got to be careful there. Yeah, and I've made that mistake many times as well.

So when we say, failure I thought of, for me, it's success, like, what motivates me is success. And if you don't ever get to experience success, then you don't have that. So you do have to have failure. But man, if you if you are really successful at some point, and then later, you know, a little bit later, you're not you're like, I want to get back there. You know, like today, I went and saw someone and they were just living in a mess. You know, I mean, they just were. And I thought, Gosh, did have they never lived in organization, you know, that's put in as nice as ever. And I thought maybe they never have. They didn't know. There could be better. I really I can't imagine. And then it made then I started thinking of my kids and I thought I had one my youngest son, he was just when he was at home, he was just messy. I was just like, what is what is the deal? Like, why is he so dang messy? And now he's married, and his wife the other night was bragging on him and she was like, man, he is everything has to be just certain way and he's cleaning all the time. And I thought, Oh, he experienced that when he lived at home there was always you know, I kept everything clean, organized. Nice. And I did that for my school a little bit. And so back to sales. I just think the same thing I think with once you experience Oh, man, that was a great sale that you want to get back there. You know that that's a huge motivation, I think.

So let me tie in the S and the D across the personality spectrum a little bit here with grit, because success is what drives Nan's grit, of getting through a situation knowing that she can succeed, has succeeded. And she pushes that whatever the task may be to get it done. I am on the so far opposite end of the spectrum that one I'm scared of embarrassment and failure, and that drives my grit. So it's the exact opposite, but we both have grit. And we both get things done every day, but they're very different drivers.

Well, and you speak to the carrot and the stick, right? Yep. And and you know, which one of those is your motivating factor? I mean, if yours is, you know, fear of failure, or the desire for success, right. And again, you know, that's that's that self awareness that we kind of preach about knowing who you are, and where you go into the ditch and then how you stay on the on the beaten path to success. And and then There, there's kind of the crux of some of this stuff. I mean, I think we all have grit. But if we're, you know, not on the right path, we have to have the cortex and not just the grit because the grit won't get you there. Right, you got to recognize is this the right path for me? And if it is, nose to the grindstone, get out there and get the job done, but if you're on the wrong path, man, you know, turn it around, figure out a different way.

Yeah, and I see this. One of the sports that I see this kind of scenario play out with personalities is is actually golf, right? If you watch professional golf, because you see guys that go out,

You watch professional golf?

Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm into that thing, right. But, but what I see is people that are scared of failure, like myself, and they're scared of, you know, going out and making a fool of themselves. They fold under that pressure on the 18th hole of the championship. They let emotions get involved, and with more of Anne's or Nan's approach is more of the success if I go out and do what I can do, then and what I've prepared for I have the opportunity for success it may not always happen. So the the the emotional ride there is very different. You've got to know that that's a you know, that's coming, success and failure. how you've prepped yourself for it mentally is is huge when it comes to not getting that done.

So Al, go ahead, I'm curious like, like as an I, and because you you slide to the D very, very easily so I'm curious, like, when you're when you're in that I-state, how do you what's fueling your grit? Right, because, you know, we talked about Nan and Clint, I think I know what mine is. I'm curious for I types out there.

Well, I and Nan can probably attest to this. I had in and we might have spoken to this. I had a nurse who was in charge of an OR and We were in there and she basically called me a liar. Right and kind of without any kind of substantiation kind of go on to me in the category of just the sales rep, you know, crap ass and I really had a legit Hey, this is how this is gonna go down with the doctor. And Nan tried to make peace with that. And I was on my way to being a D and putting my foot in her ass, right? Because I'd gone from being Wait a second, you're about to prevent me from making a sale, you stupid bitch. And you know, it's gonna take a minute to get my foot out of your ass because you just called me a liar. And I'm a known guy in this part. You're the new person here. And we're about to have it out. Right? Yeah, there's I was ready to burn the house down. And Nan and we walked out and I said do not ever get in the way of my righteous act to defend myself and be an honest guy, right? And I literally admitted to her as much as I'm in it to the other girl. I'm like, get out of my you know, I gotta kill this person, you're in the way, right? And so I can, if challenged, I can if, you know, we can be nice about and have just an adult adult conversation, or, you know, we can fucking take it wherever you want to at a certain point. So, I mean, you got to have a little bit of grit in your back pocket to put on the pavement. If somebody starts to shove you or push you out the door, get, you know, get you out of the way. Now you got rights. I mean, yeah, you know, I may be a sales guy, but you know, I you know, I've got rights. Hmm. Let's go protest!

Al's got some some some deep seated anger issues. Okay.

No, but what I just showed you was how you slide from one position to the next position with authority, conviction and the right to be there. And when people see that coming, they get out of the way the Mack truck so be that Mack truck, use it wisely. Use it. wisely and temper your response and be willing to apologize for your position.

Oh, see, you had me, then you lost me.

No, no, no, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on, Clint. Because then I. Here's how it works, though. I do it from a D's perspective. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you? My apologies. Right. I you know, I misunderstood what you were saying when you were calling me a liar. Is that what you were saying, John? Or should we revisit the statement that you made? And if you'd like to apologize for what you said to me, then we can move on with this. Right? No, no, no Clint when I do it. I do it from a D's perspective of, Oh, I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But you motherfucker are the one, oop, we might have to cut that, are the one who called me the liar.

Okay, John, would you like to give your version of

Yeah. So real quick. Al would have called the person a pitch even if even if they were masculine. So, that this person, probably more so. Exactly. So that, you know, if you're offended, Al uses that word interchangeably. It's not a sexist thing.

Sorry, I'm not. I don't mean offense to anybody.

Um, so for me, I my grit comes from being correct, right is what it boils down to. Right? Like, like, I need to be technically correct. And so what that means is like, like, it drives me to deliver over deliver as much as I possibly can with the clients and people that I work with. Because when I don't do that, it's a failure. You know, when I when I don't live up to the standard that I am going to very clearly communicate because that's just how we operate. When I don't deliver on that standard. It's, it's unbearable, right? So my grit comes from more from delivering for clients than it does on the sales side. But I now view the sales side of it means it means to the end, I don't really get motivated from selling I get motivated by having cool conversations and helping people figure out what they're really looking for, but like the prospecting side and the the endless networking and these things that like I have to do to stay in front of people does not motivate me whatsoever.

Well, okay, but you said these things that you have to do. So how do you put the smiley face on? And how do you go out? And because I know you do a lot of that, and I invite me to the things that you kind of before COVID, obviously, you know, put together so, you know, if that's the if that's the grind, how do you stay fresh? How do you how do you know because I can see that being a major component to what you do.

I turn it into something that I can win at really, right. So when I go, when I go to like a networking event, I go in there with a goal, like I'm gonna get five cards, right and three of the cards need to be somebody that is worth following up with. And so then what happens is I'm just in task mode, right? And how I feel about it becomes less important because now it's just this thing that I can win at. And so then what I do is is I run my program that way, right? And so it doesn't motivate me but it but it's it's Not something that I avoid. It's something that is part and parcel of this other thing that I get to do so I make myself do it by gaming it and turning it into something that where I can have really clear expectations at the end of the thing because like the ambiguity of of like networking and asking for referrals and doing some of these things we have to do as salespeople, like the ambiguity of it bothers me right? Like like the no clear direction of just do more. Well, how much more like like how much of this do I really need to be doing to get to get to here. And that's why KPIs are such like a great thing. Okay, I need to do this much networking, this much cold calling this much stuff to get to this amount of decision maker conversations and then once from there, certain number of those should be qualified and then a certain portion of those get an offer and then a certain portion of those things close so then it becomes one big math problem for me. And then it's something that I can figure out and wrap my head around and then I get really excited about it. Like I'm fired up. Hmm, yeah. So you know, when I when I when I keep it in my head like that, I can do it. I can do anything, really, I mean, not anything but you know because Clint about to be like fly. But you know, I can do lots of things that are that are uncomfortable and not motivating when I when I think of them as math problems and just things that I need to get done without how we feel about them.

So let me ask you this, how much of your world is built around things you really would rather not do versus how much of it, because I start balancing that equation in my brain? I don't like it. I'm probably not the guy that's gonna do it. I mean, I'm just not built that way.

This guy. He messaged me the other day and he's trying to sell me on like a fitness package. You know because he's a fitness coach. And I'm just like, Yeah, I know. I don't really need it. And so so he's following up and he goes, What do you do for fun? And I said, I thought about it. I was like,


But like, like everything is a means to an end right? Like, you know, when I like like everything. There's there's always like an ulterior motive, right. Like, like, I like spending time with my family. But I make myself do it because a) it's important to the relationships, and also b) I need time away from this that way I can rest and relax, right? Like, that's how every decision gets made in my head.

Do you have an emotion one in your body?

I mean, I'm feeling a little nervous right now. You know, I can I can I can wall off access to, to that kind of stuff when when I need to. Right. And so, you know, I mean, even the games that I play on my phone at night when I'm trying to like wind down are very, like logic driven because I have to deal with so much that is not logical, like a business all day long, right? I mean, most of my it's not like I'm a developer, where I can just sit and like pound away on the keyboard and everything makes sense. And I really get to like dive into this thig. Like most of my day is spent around the the unknowing about the other person, right of like, what's going on here they fit, how can I help, all of these things and so on. It's taxing right? So like, like this game that I play is like this ridiculous kind of like Sudoku game. But it recharges my like logic battery. And I mean, but it's very purpose driven. Like, I don't really do a whole lot and just be like, hmm, how did I get here? Like, it just doesn't work that way for me. So I'm boring as hell is what, is what that comes down to.

Because there's where and that's why on the DISC spectrum we sit at polar opposites, right? Because I don't care. I just got there, right? I mean, I can honestly say I, my thing is, well, I like doing this and this didn't hurt too much and felt good. And I laughed a little bit and drank a glass of wine and had this conversation. And, you know, the next thing I know, Wow, man, there was money being made. And I mean, it sounds stupid. And I'm not being contrite when I say this. Sometimes I'm like, How the hell did that happen? Wow, that was pretty cool.

You know, I noticed that when doc your personality to I to I, which is most all salespeople in the world, I would say it's definitely the majority, if not 75, 80% of salespeople are in the I spectrum. And it's so funny because you get a successful sales guy on your team for 20 plus years. And you hire a new guy, that's also an I. The one of the biggest problems is he cannot transfer the how, yeah, because he doesn't even know.

Nan speaks to that all the time. All the time. And I'm a horrible trainer and I'm like, but I'm a good trainer.

Well, you just don't have any data. And that's,

Well do you, just watch Listen, shut the hell up. Figure out what what what you know what

That's the curriculum right there.

Yeah, as as someone who's been through the the

Doc Al cycle?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Doc Al's School of Sales before you know all the DISC stuff and everything else. It was a struggle right because like I want to do well but I don't really know the key components to doing well because the you know, the the information I kept getting was just keep showing up just keep showing up you know and bring stuff you know, bring him stuff keep showing up, ask for lunches.

Wait a second.

To me, Al is too smart to be a trainer, because it just it drives him crazy. He's like, how do you not know that? I know that and I'm like, it doesn't matter.

Remember remember that in the parking lot with the truncated tips.

I mean, it's I have so many stories. No,

No, nobody's gonna get any of this, guys.

I know. It's inside baseball. So let's wrap things up guys.

Yes. Inside inside info.

Oh yeah. So I think we've worked grit to death. So next week, we'll we'll have some new, some new topics to talk about. If you are out there selling, trying to sell, doing any of this stuff and you're not sure who you are. You're probably not selling as well as you could because you're probably not selling to people who are just like you, email you can take one of these assessments and you can figure out exactly who you are and kind of what other people need to have better results. If you're listening, please share this with somebody else. If you're watching on YouTube, please like and subscribe, and we will see everybody Wait, hold on.

I found my I found my training manual. Here's page 1, here's page 2, here's page 3. And here's page four. Fold and repeat.

There there is the nugget right there. I love that so much. That's cute. Yeah, we're gonna we're going to cut that out and make that like a gif. So be ready. Awesome, Alright guys, have a good night. Good night.