Sales Throwdown

Changing Your Process in Sales During COVID-19

Episode Summary

This is our second Live Lunch Break episode. This week, we focused on what changes you might need right now if you're in sales during COVID-19, and how to know when you can transition back to normal. We took some questions and shared some great nuggets from our fans. If you want to catch us live, we'll be back on Facebook Live every Friday at 12:00 pm CST. Follow Sales Throwdown so you don't miss it! In addition to the DISC assessment, we have another awesome assessment that highlights your strengths in leadership during times of crisis. It's completely free to take. If you're interested in either one or both, email us at ✅ Sign up for our emails: ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: ✅ Check us out on Instagram: ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter:

Episode Transcription

Let's get ready to Throwdown.

What's up everybody? This is the episode two, Live Lunch Break. And we're we get some people here in zoom. Hopefully, if you're checking us out on Facebook, there's a bit of a delay, but we have Melissa, who is just off camera right here who is going to be speaking up and letting me know about any comments or anything else. So if you're tuning in, say hi in the comments. And we're talking about sales today. And very specifically, we're talking about that you might have to make some changes, right, not just to like your sales process and everything was like this, but maybe the industry that you were in before is not really the best industry for you to be in on the other side of this. Right, Al?

Yeah. Sorry. sipping on my beer. Yeah, I brought up before we started all this to come into some industries are just going to get devastated, right, they're just going to be flushed out. And it's going to be hard to come back as a, you know, a rep or even participating because just because of the lag, but that doesn't mean that you haven't developed a skill set that you can take down the road or down a different pathway. And when the house burns down, or you know, in my case, if you're facing financial ruin, and we're not this time, but I've, you know, I've been in business long enough to have that, you know, slapped me right in the face. You You have to pick a different pathway or take your skills in a different direction. And it's going to be tough either way. But don't go down with a sinking ship. If you're in an industry that's not going to fare very well after all of this is flushed out and we get back to the new norm.

So what do you think is not going to be as successful after this as what might have been successful before? If you have any thoughts on that?

You know, I think different commodity markets are going to suffer or have a greater lag time. You know, Clint, you may be in an industry where construction, you know, see certain delays. I, you know, I think that there's going to be a creep back to some level of normalcy. When people get sick healthcare is always there, right? I mean, we have a pretty secure position, and we take up enough of the market space. So I continue to encourage people to go through drive throughs right, because it just ruins their health and sit on the couch and watch Netflix right? Because no, no, no look at the dynamic. You're what's currently going on. And we see a certain population now. They're, you know, walking and getting out into parks but it's not near enough to many people this shelter at home is going to hurt people's health, their mental health, their physical health. So we've we've got some security in the fact that this lifestyle is really hard on. Alright. But what's going to happen is if you're in restaurant sales, if you're in food sales, if you're, you know, those restaurant sales to be selling it and I know some people who do. Cisco places like that, that are in the, in the business of delivering food to restaurants, we are a big consumer economy. We're not so much a production economy anymore. And restaurants are going to be you know, it's a little different, you know, avenue I think that's going to suffer and continue stuff.

What do you think, Clint, do you agree?

Yeah, absolutely. I think I you know, in my world, you're going to have a lot of the new countries struction where people were just investing tons of money and condos and, you know, just new restaurants, a new strip malls, I think that goes away and you start renovating because you're a little more cautious on what you're spending.

Completely agree. You guys' sales cycle, like, you know, we've talked about this, that when you close a deal, like today that that deal is not going to launch for, you know.

Yeah, it's, it's, it's one of the hardest things, you know, at least for what I do to, to to keep cash flow coming in, just because you had a $40 million sales year or a $10 million sales year. You may not see any incoming cash flow for 12, 13 months. So what do you do in the gap, right, you got to have those quick turn jobs, those remodels those tenant finish out type stuff or it's just constantly incoming revenue. They only that may be peanuts in the big scheme of things but they keep cash flow coming in right and and now more than anytime that's been crucial, right. So as you you know, downsizing your staff or you know kind of doing more with less, you still got to keep that cash flow coming in. Absolutely.

Nan, what?

Who's talking, go ahead John, what'd you ask me?

Or, you know, do you agree with this like, like, Are there certain industries or verticals that you're thinking might be more lucrative or less lucrative on the other side of this?

Apparently bowling, bowling alleys you know. I mean, it's just, it's such randomness what they're saying is, um, okay to open any, you know, so it, I think restaurants are the most if you're in a restaurant, I, I'm not going to a restaurant. And as far as the fast food. I discourage people I used I discourage people prior to this. So Al, I don't know why, you shouldn't say that. That's terrible. But I mean, people are always going to go to fast food. I mean, I think it's really hard to get people away from fast food. Look what they're doing. We're in the midst of this pandemic. And people are the lines at some of these places. I'm just laughing. I'm like, seriously? And I personally don't see how that's any better than anything. Sorry, I'm saying that. But, you know, I think that if you are in one of those industries that you see are not going to do well, going forward, I think I think we said that last week, I think it's really a good time to spread your wings, find out some other things you're interested in, you know, maybe you have a passion that you haven't explored, and thought, you know, I could maybe do something with it. You have time right now. And I do. I completely concur with Al talking about people that are on unemployment, you know, they had that extra $600 they were getting, I mean, people are gonna take advantage of that time. Good. Do it but don't do it by just being lazy. You know, again, I don't mean to be redundant. I said that last week, but you have to stay active, busy thinking through What, how am I What am I gonna do in the future because there's gonna be a future. So do something that's maybe better than what you were doing, you know, apply yourself.

And, and to that point, there's people that are, you know, may have had a position that you wanted and they're sitting on the couch collecting that extra money and you go back to work and take that little bit of less pay grade, they're winning and fires back up. So you got to take advantage of that too.

And that's why, I was about to chime in. We've all got to live in a different way. I think cash is king in your pocketbook and in your business. And that if you're not cutting the fat out of your lifestyle, right, you know, extras are extras, they're not necessity. They're there, they're wants, not needs. You should be living on your needs, right? Not on your knees, needs, but your needs in the sense that save your leftovers, make lunch out of what you had dinner for last night. You know, we live in an agreement wasteful society. And we've had that luxury in the past. But But not anymore. I mean, I watch every dime, and I'm better off than most, I'll say that I am better off than most. And I'm watching every dime.

Right? And to the to that. Well, go ahead.

I was gonna say we got a question from the Facebook feed. And Nicole asks, she's in a service sales position. And so what's happening now is to get deals done, she's having to discount. So her question is, how long do you let the discounts happen? When do you start to increase pricing back to where to where it was before?

When you don't have to anymore. Right? So you might be you might dock so right on the point of cash is king, right? So you're trying to get cash flow to stay in your, in your lane, in your business. So when the point comes in, this all opens back up. You don't have to discount any more, you need to make sure that you that you do that, right, you need to go back to the mentality of, Hey, I'm here, I provide a service that you need. And you buy from me because you like me, and we have a good partnership, you got to get back to that mentality sooner as soon as possible in my mind, but but you do have to keep cash coming in the door. Absolutely.

And I think I think that goes to a point of setting the expectation with with the people that you're talking to, right? Because this is an unusual situation. We're not here so you can stick to your guns and you can go die on those hills if you want to. But is that really serving you because as Clint just said, we have to keep,

you know, revenue coming in, I think, I think you pose it in like 30 day in intervals right for the next 30 days. Here's what our pricing looks like, for the next 30 days. And you don't skimp on service. You give more service or less money in 30 day increments, if you can, if you have that kind of pricing capability. For the next, because I see discounts all over? Well, you know, when I'm looking at stuff, you know, 30% off, right? Well in retail, you can pull that and take that off the table anytime you want, right that you know that that was today's special. It's like when you go to the grocery store and you see the discounts. So every industry depending on how you approach your discount capability, I say you put a timeframe on it, but you give the same service, and you get it done at this price. But next month, as things get better pricing changes.

Put that expectation out there. But also on the other side of that, if you're someone like Al or come on do not take advantage of people. I think that's really, really, you know, when, I mean, I think it's

So I'm gonna make a statement. If you even think about price gouging. There is a special place for you. And I hope you get there sooner rather than later. That is my, one of my biggest pet peeves.

So one of the things, and I've done this, right, because sometimes people around my lead generation offer on LinkedIn, we will have sometimes people and they're like, I'm not really sure if it's gonna work. I say, Okay, great. And I'm willing to move on the pricing a little bit. So that way it makes sense. But there's always a conversation around, awesome, what do we need to deliver in the first three months of working together so that way I can come in, and we can raise rates because there's, there's now trust, the results are there. And it makes sense because I can't do it at this discounted price for forever, and I want to help everybody out. But I also want to make sure that you see value in this thing. And that makes sense. So Nicole, you know, having those kinds of conversations and whether that's a 30 day count, as I'll talk about it, or whether it's around some kind of delivery milestone, right, especially in a service based business. I'm not really sure exactly what you do, but have that conversation right. If we generate some leads for you now, if you're if you're in lead generation or marketing, then you know, can we build a relationship and then once this is over, if we know what the new norm is revisit this conversation, figure out if this is successful, and we can talk about non COVID rates, or if it's not working, we should just cut it off anyway. Because, you know, as, as a salesperson, you shouldn't be you shouldn't wanting should not be wanting to be on someone's books if you're not doing a good job. Like, that's, in my opinion, hugely important. That goes all the way back to like your principles, right? If your principles just to make money, no matter what, you're gonna have a, you're gonna have a hard road, you'll probably be successful, but there's gonna be some struggles there. Whereas if you just start with that intention of like, if this is not a fit for any reason, just let me know we'll talk about it because I want them to have the best solution possible. And now I think I do a good job at the things that I do, but it's not a fit for everybody. So I got to be able to say, awesome, right? Because when you when you can't do that, that's when you start chasing and hoping and creating mountains of more work for yourself.

And you're a pain in the butt to your clients.

From Hayden and James.

Okay, so we have some comments from Facebook, Melissa is off camera, so she's going to try and use them. So we've got Hayden, what did Hayden have to say.

Whatever route you take the key is to show them how you were saving them money or making them money right now, whether that be by discount or service, providing you need to be able to show and quantify how it's going to accomplish one of those two things.

I agree. Did everybody hear that pretty? Well, she's kind of off camera. And I think that, um, you have to do even more of that. Right? I was listening to a guy the other day and he was talking about the fact that you got to make it easy, right? Especially if you're in like a service or consulting based business or something along these lines. Like, I have to make it really easy for people to buy from me for right now. Because if I try to stick too hard to my guns or try to, you know, really, you know, pick a hill to go die on and my my conversation to get a disqualification, then that is just making my conversations harder, right. So a lot of what I'm doing is cool. here's here's how we normally do it. What are your thoughts? Okay, I don't need that. Okay, thanks for letting me know, what do you need? And then really pivoting it around, like what they're specifically looking for. And I don't really know that that would work in Clint's business or Nannette and Al's, because it's a little bit of a different deal because they're so relationship driven, whereas, you know, I have relationships and people work with me for a long time, but it's built around like very one thing, right? I mean, Al's surgeons will buy from him on a continuous basis. So he he's more focused on nurturing that relationship, staying Top of Mind and protecting that business. Whereas like, I have to constantly be looking for new business, right? Some of that becomes recurring revenue in the form of lead gen, or like ongoing, you know, consultation and coaching, but there's always that need to go get more for me. So right now, the goal is to make it as easy as possible. Right? This is how we normally do it. If you don't see value in this, what does it need to look like for it to be valuable to you? So what else do we have there in the comments?

James said roll the discount into future months fees.

Ah, okay, what's up? James? That's a pretty good point. Right? You know, as opposed to, if you normally do like a, like a four month contract, you know, you could do six, right. So that way, you're just kind of making sure that the contracted portion of it or the the initial agreement, you know, it might be stretching it out a little bit longer, you know, than what you normally do, but you're going to get more revenue in those, you know, in those additional two months, if you normally do a four month contract on a service based thing or like a, like a six month contract, you know, so good.

You know, the only thing I'd say there is that you have, you got to be careful of trapping your customers with a price that they budget on. Right. So if they do business for six or seven months with you at a discounted rate going into the next quarter or budgeting meeting that they have, they're so used to your discounted rates that they will not grow our budget up. So so that's got to be a, you know, the topic of discussion all the time.

Yeah, you gotta set that expectation. Way, way, way back in the day, because what happens is when you don't, you end up hating that one client, right? Because you know, if you have three clients that are paying you five grand a month, one client is paying you three grand a month, who do you answer the phone for. Not the guy who's paying you three grand. So then you're de-prioritizing them to work on the other clients, and then you end up actually kind of resenting that person because it feels like they're always in your way. And that's on us. Right? Like, like, it's not the prospect or the client. It's the fact that we didn't set a good enough expectation to go and have either deliverables or milestones or timeframes to have discussion about, like, hey, pricing is changing, right? We're getting bigger, it's harder, more overhead, whatever kind of metric you're looking at along those things. I think Al's got something. Yeah.

I've been through a couple of these before the 2002 the bubble 2008, you know, the banking crisis. And I can tell you that people we're all going to have to live on less. It, you know, once you break pricing for any reason, good luck getting it back. Yeah, you don't believe me John?

I don't, actually. Okay, I think it's very situationally dependent, right? Because Because we drill down, I can totally see if you let if you let a person or materials, you know, give you a discount, and they're gonna want that discount all the time, and they're kind of holding you, you know hostage by that kind of relationship.

The wealth gap widens after every one of these events. And I can tell you pay payroll for 25 years, the wealth gap widens people at the top, take more and give less.

We got some more Facebook. What do you got?

This is from Sir Charles, do you have an opinion about the health of the business community as a whole before these recent events, in the sense that after this pandemic hit you have businesses going under in a matter of weeks. Any solutions?

That's a good point, right? I think that what happens is, you know, we look at our grandparents and the people who went through the, you know, the Great Depression, right? And you saw how frugal they were, you know, decades after that process was over. And then people who weren't involved with that don't don't really see it as that big of a deal. It's never gonna happen again. And so what happens is we, this kind of thing happens like once every 10 years, right? There's like the housing crisis. There's the the tech bubble, and now and now there's this, and it's, we just keep forgetting, right? And people new to business, always think, oh, that's not gonna happen again, right? You know, Al has said that he's been through 3 of these things, right? And he's pretty cash conscious conscience, I can't talk. So he's holding on to that cash and he's setting them up for success. I'm gonna be honest, right? I was not expecting this to happen, right? I am not as set up for success as I would want to be in this kind of environment. And so, you know, I'm in a bit of a scramble. You know, Clint just took a new role and a brand new company and you know they're, this goes way way past everything else because I lived here in DFW and Fort Worth in Oh 809 and we didn't get really get hit that bad compared to other areas right? So if you're looking at the like, oh wait kind of mortgage crisis is like an indicator of how this is going to go I think you're setting yourself up for failure.

Yeah, they're you know, the other side of that too is it's it's a lot of the reason why I do I don't want to be in my own business. I don't want to own my own business. That's that's the scare constantly, right? Is that I have to worry about the the problems that you and doc are having currently, versus working for somebody else and making them the money. You know, there. There's a lot to that mentality of I'd rather be here. Yeah, I don't get to call my own shots all the time. But I don't also have to worry as much about times like this. I don't have to stress about my how my day to day goes just just how the economy does. That's what I have to worry about. Economy not necessarily my cash flow in my pocket to pay payroll. Right. Yeah.

The the balance to that equation, though, and not to go too far down the entrepreneurial route, because I'm not I'm not the guy who tries to push everyone down that road is that, you know, on the other side of that is, you know, you could have been laid off at the beginning of this thing.

Oh, absolutely. That's a risk. But I think the risk is higher the other way right, of starting a new business. And then, you know, you basically had like you even said it John, you know, you this happens once every 10 years, it seems like, but what if it happens twice in 10 years? I mean, you've got about three and a half, four years to get a business up and rolling, and set yourself up for success for a long time. That's not easy to do in this in today's world.

Yeah, hold on. Real quick. Let's check Facebook. We have any other questions.

Hayden commented on something earlier, I believe, about he tries to keep it real simple and target something that applies to every company and just cash flow, business sustainability, and in this case, survival relies almost exclusively on this. So if you have a proposition that increases their Cash Flow, you absolutely can onboard new business right now.

Yeah, I think that that's a, like a super solid point honestly, Hayden, because I don't think that the value is is right because a lot of my stuff is around saving people time, right? I'm going to generate leads for you we're going to document a process that way you can run more through your CRM and through your through your sales process. That way, you get more results and saving time at the same time. But a lot of people now are, well, I have time, I don't really know that I need this, right. And so the value has got to it's got to shift to something else that they are that they're seeing value in, right. And this is an important point because it doesn't make any difference at all what we see value in, right and when you're the sales guy who's showing up on their door, spouting about your value and the things that you do that are super important, and you're doing that in kind of a vacuum, right without asking them like Hey, what do you see value and you're setting yourself up for a lot of kind of slammed doors and no's and everything else. So for me specifically, I'm trying to figure out how I can reposition what I do around value. In the end that is shifted to cool, let's get this completely off of your plate and let's get you a commission on the salesperson but like let's set them up for success right with the right tech, the right questions, the right process, the right frameworks and everything else like that. So that way you can make sure that they're bringing in the right deals, keeping the wrong ones away. And in looking at the right metrics, because that because that's what's providing value to these people right now. And then I also get to help people who've been laid off, which makes me feel good on both sides.

Hey, guys, I think you're gonna be experiencing a lot of anger about this situation, as you go back into the market. As you start to talk to your clients. There's gonna be this. If you weren't with me before, go F yourself, right? You weren't part of my solution. I mean, I'm telling you, if you if you weren't if you're not, if you didn't stay the course if you weren't always there, if you're just showing back up feed off of my business. It's gonna I'm gonna unleash some hell on you, I really am, over and over deliver, and I'm gonna feel good about it. I'm gonna feel so good. I'm so angry about a lot of things that have unfolded.

But not only, you know, not only is that just a customer mentality, but that's also your employees that you let go too, right? You're making great employees that you let go, they're not going to stick with you through this one, this bounces back, they're going to go work for your competitor. So you got to be really careful about how you deal with that.

We kept everybody, I didn't lay anybody off. Yeah,

That's awesome. And not many people can do that. You know, there was people that you know, that we had to let go that, that absolutely performed every day. It was just, you know, it is what it is. And, and do I expect them to come, you know, begging back to, you know, sitting at the door ready on Monday to go to work? I doubt it. You know, I hope they do. But

yeah, realistically, it's a horrible situation. And there's my anger, guys. I mean, I see this from all the angles I think I do, and I don't say that I kept people as tight as a merit badge, we were fortunate enough to be able to because these are people that got me where I'm at. And it hurts on both sides of this equation to tell somebody because I know people who laid their staff off. And you know what they said, these people because we were reaching out. And these were our contacts through different clinics and different businesses we do business with, I got fired. Nobody said, Hey, I'm on the sidelines right now, here's where you need to go. And I had direct conversations with people, and they feel bitter about this, and rightfully so. I mean,

Well they're scared. I mean,

you know, they're also angry that the guy that let them go, still lives in the big house, still eating well, right. Like I said, there's where the wealth gap starts to show its face. And this

And there is the really key nugget in there that I'll say that that maybe you didn't realize, if you only have one point of contact into one of your prospects. You need to be doubling down to make sure that you have some multiple contacts in with these prospects because people are getting laid off right? So if your person is laid off and that was your sole way in, you need to go find another one. Now, the other side of that is that most people stay within the same kind of realm area anyway so they might be moving to someone else who could become a prospect but you know, you can't, you can't invite that much churn. Right? So get go deeper, don't don't just necessarily go wider. And we have a question, I think is

Well first I wanted, that Hayden has a great comment. Also, don't neglect the power of memory equity when talking to customers and new prospects, people will remember who was there for them when they needed it most.

That's a good point. Right? And that kind of goes back to back to the discounting play, right? If you especially if you're in marketing, in Legion, and all these things, and that's where a lot of like my connections are, like, you might have to discount some of your rates right but when you do that, you're you're building a relationship that if when you do it well and you set really good expectations around kind of You know, we reevaluating that relationship. That's what's gonna set you up for success.

And the other side of that, too, is not, it doesn't always have to be discounted maybe payment terms, right? Maybe you can discount payment terms, right? So you get your money back for the service you provide down the road, it's just not gonna be today. Right? So you, you might have a net 30 policy, or, you know, in 30 days, I'm getting paid on for what I build, maybe it's a 90 day cycle, right? So you push that out a little bit, get through the storm, and hopefully everybody bounces back and get paid because you'll be in the same situation in 90 days that you will be in 30 if this thing doesn't turn around, so

We have some more questions, I think.

Charles asks, any ideas and what sorts of products or services that are going to have value or demand in the new environment?

Charles asks, products and services with demand in the new environment? Clint?

You know, I think I think I think a lot of manufacturing is going to make its way back here just because of the scare. Right? So I was actually making that same thing. Yep. So I think a lot of your scare That everything it was finally found out that everything's manufactured overseas, you don't have access to you have to bargain with other foreign governments to get stuff. So, manufacturing for sure.

Now that won't come back immediately, but it will start to filter back this direction, because we've been dependent on outside. We're a consumer country, not a manufacturing country anymore. But we have that capability. We have that ingenuity. They learned it from us. And I say, and I don't say that with like, trying to disparage one group versus another. Right. There's been a ton of innovation in this country. And now I think you're going to see more of that coming back to home. We're not going to outsource as much. We're going to get people here back involved. And I challenged you to call your senators call your congressman, let's get this administration to get busy with some policy that pushes that and I'm a flaming liberal, and I want to see that.

Well, you know, it seems like with every controversy or dilemma, you know Like this virus we've had in the past Made in America, you know, big deal. And it kind of when things get good, we kind of step away from that. Well, I think that's gonna start big again, I think people are like, to what Clint said it matters. It does matter. It's silly. Go ahead.

Well, we need to start paying a living wage, right. We need to take some of this top end money and put it down where it counts on the front line with people that are putting their hands in the dirt and on the equipment and swinging the hammer. Right and cutting the wood. Okay, let's stop this corporate greed. Okay, who in the hell runs the company? Right? Don't get me started.

Let's back up a little bit. Because I think for for me, I think that what we're gonna see is a lot more people who were more skeptical about putting all their faith in the company, right. So I think we're going to see a jump in like gig economy stuff, right? Freelancing, providing services on the side.

It only gets you so far. You can't build a car with gig, you can't fly an airline, you can't build an airplane with gig, right? No offense, right? Yeah, there's a certain level of, you know, you're right. There's a cost of entry.

For sure, absolutely. But there are huge marketplaces that you can put yourself out there. Right now there's Fiverr, there's Upwork, all of these things and everything else like that. And, you know, there are freelancers who are, you know, making really, really good money. But to that point, I think that we're going to see a lot of people who were dabbling on both ends, right. I had the day job, but I'm also doing some marketing stuff on the side or service and graphic design and stuff like that. So it's not meant to completely supplement but it's going to be more about, okay, let's make sure that I that if this happens again, I've got cash and if I do get laid off, it's not going to be the end of the end of the world. And the other thing is that I think we're going to see a ton of companies who are going to be looking at rent after this as a differently, right? Because since everyone's been forced to work remotely, right, especially like in tech, and things like this, that that big shiny office space that's costing you a ton in overhead no longer makes sense. So you're going to be allowing people to work more remotely, which is going to, then this is a C talking, obviously, is going to put more pressure on having nice tight processes and shipping the KPIs and not just results. And are you looking busy when you're here? Or are you actually being effective and impactful in some way? So yeah,

Yeah, simplify.

I was gonna bring up a point, laziness will be rewarded with failure, okay. Pointing yourself in the right direction, getting off your ass and getting doing the hustle, eating less, working more, multiple jobs, whatever it takes to get back where you need to be. And then be frugal about it. Because if you want to, if it's Chicken Little and you're going to curl up in a corner, you're going to get what you put into it, right? So guys, figure your world out and how it applies to the new norm and get after it. Yeah.

Clint, what do you got?

Yeah, I mean, you know, going back to, you know, what we think will boom when this when this all lifts. The other one I was I'm interested in is the, you know, the vacation travel side of the world because you're stir crazy, right? I think you're going to see a huge spike and a huge boom, you know, end of the year where people are just, you know, they take the cash that they haven't been used to having. They finally get a little bit I mean, when when the when the checks came out for everybody that, you know, the ecommerce went, yeah, I mean, people were buying big screen TVs like crazy, right? And nobody, and it was it was crazy to me that nobody learned their lesson at that point, right. I mean, you see how dumb we are.

Those are the lemons. Those are the lemons there is somebody scooping up their money that they should keep to feed their kids, right. I mean, you got to figure Probably 50% of that all that money went straight to Walmart you know Walmart

or Amazon it's just crazy right? So but I do think you're gonna see you know the airlines bounce back pretty quickly if they survive.

I disagree, I disagree. I think

It's gonna be such a long return right because if they came back in there and they said tomorrow cool everything's everything's good everything's gone, I'm still not gonna go hop on a plane immediately right like I'm gonna, I don't want to be,

But a lot of people will.

I know right but I think,

I disagree, I don't think they will.

I think that i think that the the ecommerce lift in the like, through Amazon and Walmart and all, it makes sense right because like everybody got this money and it wasn't really tied to anything else and sure when all of this late lifts there's gonna be a lot of people who were stir crazy and they've got the the travel list, but there's going to be as many people who are still hesitant about hopping on a plane with you know, recycled air, you know, a bunch of people they don't know.

Okay, so

I think people forget too easy.

But one, okay, but here on the flip side of that coin, how long does it take for something to be a habit? We've been in this 30 day launch now, two weeks, and people are, exactly, so in a matter of time. I'm not I'm not jonesing to go out to eat, I don't need that bottle of wine. I don't need somebody else cooking my food. I'm doing that for myself, and I've figured out a way to enjoy it. I'm taking walks, I'm looking forward to when campgrounds open up, I want to drive places instead of fly places. I want to avoid big crowds. sporting events don't matter anymore. I'll watch it on TV.

But you know, as long as anybody on the other side of that equation is is that it's not available. Of course, I'm not gonna eat the chocolate cake if it's not in front of me. You know what I mean?

True, but I still think that I look at it again from from a cash flow standpoint, the money that's in my pocket that would have left over the last six weeks is impacted. I mean, it truly is. I mean, you guys have been to dinner with me. I mean, you see how when money you know, that I that I look back and wish a lot of those dinners had been at McDonald's right? You know, that

If you were watching this and you have not had an Albanian dinner you have no idea what you're missing. It's, it's it's a sight to behold.

You'll have to come to the house, we're cooking our asses off, you know we're still drinking we're we're doing it at a more economical level. So my palate still feels good. I'm just choosing to do it in a more economical way.

Fine, I would like to say and this is not about sales. This is about being logical learning from life. And, you know, I'm being careful with my paper towels. You know, I used to like, paper towel everything, clean, clean, clean. And now I'm like, get one fix it through and going out to eat. I mean, I just beg anyone that's watching this to please take your, let the takeaway from this be that you're improving life. Look at the air is cleaner, the waters clear, you know, look at it, making this an improving time instead of oh my gosh doom and gloom This is terrible this is happening improving. I just beg everyone to find a way to improve your life, society, you know, go out and help people if you have time. But again, it's so silly. It terrifies me to think that there are people sitting at home when there are people that need help. And you could be helping. You know.

Four squares of toilet paper, baby, four squares of toilet paper. You don't need any more.

We got a comment.

Several, several. Paul said it makes you realize what's actually essential. Which Paul

Which Paul?

Paul Rogers.

Oh, producer Paul.

I apologize. I didn't hear.

He said that, it makes you focus on what's matters on what matters. What's actually essential, excuse me,

Hayden very much needs an Al Daniel lunch again.

Hayden's asking for another Yeah. Hayden Hayden,

We'll do it. We'll do it.

We can do it here. I would love to have everyone over.

We can just GrubHub to everybody's separate houses and we'll just like hop on a zoom and we'll just get like, you know, Al Daniel with it.

Al will take Hayden out for lunch after he gets about six back surgeries.

They've already started back up, we've loosened we got our first surgery scheduled on Monday. We've got two of them. But you know, the trick, the trickle is coming back, they've lifted the ban. So yeah, we've got product going out that direction. So like I said, you know, people still have health concerns that have to be addressed. And when pain is part of that motivating factor, people you know, they'll they'll risk a lot to get that pain to go away. So

Awesome. That kind of feels like a good place to wrap it up, I would say right, because I like it. We got to do more volume. So we got to be able to hold on. I'm getting flagged.

Hayden had a good point. He said also this time should highlight the importance of taking care of yourself and staying strong and healthy.

Agree. Right. I mean, well, there's that. But you know, the thing is, is that is it the days are blurring, right. And so most of our routines are tied to something outside of the house, right? So your day starts when you get in the car you put on the podcast, and that's putting you in the mindset to go be productive at work and everything else. And now you're just home. So all these anchors are gone. So you have to recreate your routines and your processes and take care of yourself, right? Like, I'm not doing a great job personally, right? And Melissa's off camera glaring at me because it's true. I'm working way too many hours and not taking enough time to like work on the other things that I know are important, but, you know, you got to do what you have to do at the same time.

Or don't let everybody else pass you by that did it. That's that's your two options, right? Yeah, that's true.

Right? Yep. Anything else on Facebook? Awesome, cool.

Can I say one thing, of course. Okay, so um I really i love this Henry Ford said this. There are two kinds of people that are the there are those that think they can and there are those that think they can't. And they're both right. And I love that, attitude is everything. You've got to think positive there is positive in this find it.

Clint does not like that.

Henry Ford's an asshole.

Awesome. So there we go. If you're in the if you're in the Zoom, thank you so much. Appreciate it. If you're watching on Facebook. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you know someone else in sales, please share this with them. We're going to be here every Friday at the same time taking your questions, talking about things that we're doing. I meant to talk about this today. But next week, I'm going to talk about a sales call that I botched so magnificently. It's going to be it's going to be epic. So you You guys will all love it. And these guys will all flay me. So it's going to be great. So tune in next week we'll talk about that. Follow us on social media. If you want to take the assessment, email We'll get it over to you. There's another assessment that we have access to. It's about leadership in crisis and that's absolutely free. So if you want to take that message us in DMs, get a get a hold of us somehow there's some good information on that. Thanks, everybody, for coming out. We appreciate it. Stay safe, be well. Cheers.