Sales Throwdown

Biggest Challenge - The Throwdown

Episode Summary

This week's episode was the third new show of the new year. Just like everybody else, we want 2020 to be even better than the last. That's why, this week, we talked about the things that could threaten to hold us back if we let them. In short, our challenges involve teamwork and having to sell in the face of past failure, getting past gatekeepers, having people not trust us, and overcoming the need for perfection. In The Throwdown, we reach out to our DISC profile groups about the strategies we think will work best to get through these struggles. What are your biggest challenges and how will you get past them? Do you know where you fit in the DISC personality spectrum? If not, we can get a DISC personality assessment for you or for your team. Email us at for more information. Sign up for our emails: Connect with us on Facebook: Check us out on Instagram: And keep up with us on Twitter:

Episode Transcription

Clint, Clinton, if I may, because that haircut says Clinton. For D's with struggles, right? What do you suggest? How do you? How do you deal with it?

Yeah. To recap, you know, you just, you know, you really got to make sure that the struggle that is in your, in your face, is it really a struggle to fight? Right? I mean, that that for me is my big one is, is this a really a battle that I really have to go? Is it necessary? Do I have to go through this? Can I get through it? And if I can, what do I have to do to myself that to train myself better to get through this and in all walks of life, right. So as a D you have all those tools, I think to put your mind through something and get over the feelings and the emotions and you plow through it just with pure training and skill. Unless it is an emotional struggle, right because that that's that's a real thing for me is an emotional connection and struggle. So like I said those those I really need to pick my battles and if I don't I my mind doesn't compute all that very well. So I I've failed double than what I should because it because it really is a it's a powerful negative in my life so you know, work around it or go through it or don't do it. You know, like those are your kind of your three options and you got to pick the best one for the time and then figure it out.

Awesome. Al, Albert?

Yeah, this is gonna be a to be content to be continued. This the struggle I have with the gatekeepers is my new current KPI.

So what So what exactly is the KPI?

Engagement with a true gatekeeper on a cold call? And the win or the loss and what what it what does each one of those mean? What was the loss, was I completely shut out? Or was there an around about, and keeping notes about that for 2020 and I'll be back to talk about that. You know how many times I was immediately allowed in? What did I physically, I mean, I'm going to take notes and I'll be back with you guys on that. So that's an ongoing story.

Do you have a weekly count on the number of gatekeeper conversations you're gonna try to get into?

And no, because I'm, I have to get to there, but I don't have it just yet. But next time, yeah. This is gonna be an ongoing story with with me.

Okay, Miss Nannette?

So I always told I have three grown children now, but I always told them that life comes in waves and if you expect every day, every month, every year to be just wonderful, you're kidding yourself. There, there will be issues. And I think it's really important expect distractions. And don't camp there. Don't think that this is how it's always going to be because there's good days bad days, that's just life. And I think that you push through the distractions easily, very easily. Actually, the distractions are easier than any of us think. And in my world, I'll get hammered on this probably later but so you push through. So pray until something else happens. And in my world, it happens every time something better happens every time push through.


Interesting, what does interesting mean?

It's just interesting.

Okay, thanks.

So for me for C's, set goals, so that way you don't get lost and you know, the the everlasting refinement loop. You got to be okay with change, you know, I didn't really touch too much on that. But I have a huge problem. I don't like change. You know, I like to have my day set, my week set, that I like to do these things. So be okay with a little bit more winging it maybe not as much as you know team is going to propose to do. But wing it a little bit set goals with like really clear timelines and everything else like this. That way you don't end up not ever moving forward. So..

That's great.

Yeah, this might be my favorite show. So if you know anybody in sales, who's struggling, or if they don't know who they are, or you know any of these things. Share this with them. If you're listening and you're enjoying it, write a review if you're not also write a review, because that's how we get better. Follow us on social media. Everything is at Sales Throwdown. And if you want to take the assessment, reach out everything. You can get it at, thanks a lot. Thank you and we want to talk to y'all.